phobias are irrational fear of places, trings, people and situations.
phobias | fear of |
acarophobia | skin infestation by mites or ticks |
acousticophobia | noise |
acrophobia | heights |
aerophobia (cf. ancraophobia, batophobia, hypsophobia) | fresh air |
agoraphobia (cf. demophobia) | crowded, public places |
agyrophobia | crossing streets |
aichmophobia | pointed objects |
ailurophobia, aelurophobia, elurophobia | cats |
algophobia (cf. odynophobia) | pain |
amatrophobia, koniophobia | being or riding in vehicles |
amaxophobia | wind |
ancraophobia | men |
androphobia | quinsy or other forms of sore throat |
anginophobia | dread of stiff or immobile joints |
ankylophobia | flowers |
antrophobia | people, especially in groups |
antrropophobia | floods |
antlophobia | infinity |
apeirophobia | bees |
apiphobia, apiophobia | spiders |
arachnephobia | weakness |
astrenophobia | lightning |
astraphobia, astrapophobia | disorder |
ataxiophobia, ataxophobia | imperfection |
atelophobia | ruin |
atephobia | flutes |
aulophobia | dislike of gold |
aurophobia | dislike of being dirty |
autmysophobia (cf. misophobia) | (being egotistical, of referring to oneself; fear of being by oneself) |
bautophobia | missiles |
bacillophobia | bacteria |
bacteriophobia | gravity |
barophobia | dislike walking |
batrmophobia | intense dislike of bathing; depth |
batrophobia | passing high buildings |
batophobia | frogs and toads |
batrachophobia | pins and needles |
belonephobia | dislike for books |
bibliophobia | dislike of slime |
blennophobia, myxophobia | dread of demons and goblins |
bogyphobia | having unpleasant body odor |
brontophobia (cf. astraphobia, keraunophobia) | thunder and thunderstorms |
cainophobia | dislike of novelty |
cancer,cancero,carcinomo, carcinomato, carcinophobia | cancer |
cardiophobia | heart disease |
catrisophobia | dislike of sitting down |
catoptrophobia, eisoptrophobia | mirrors |
celtophobia | intense dislike of celts |
cenophobia, kenophobia | a void or of open spaces |
chaetophobia, trichophobia | hair |
cheimaphobia, cheimatophobia (cf. cryo,sychrophobia) | dislike of cold |
cherophobia | gaiety |
chinophobia | dislike of snow |
cholerophobia | cholera |
chrematophobia | dislike of wealth |
chrometophobia | dislike of money |
chromophobia | colors |
chronophobia | discomfort concerning time |
cibophobia (cf. phagophobia) | food |
claustrophobia | enclosed spaces |
clinophobia | dislike of going to bed |
cnidophobia | insect stings |
coitophobia | sexual intercourse |
cometophobia | comets |
coprophobia | excrement/feces |
cremnophobia | precipices |
cryophobia (cf. cheimaphobia) | ice or frost |
crystallophobia | glass, crystals |
cymophobia | waves |
cynophobia | dread of dogs |
cypridophobia | venereal disease |
deipnophobia | (dislike of dining and dinner conversation) |
demonophobia | spirits, demons |
demophobia (cf. agoraphobia) | dislike of crowds |
dermatophobia | skin disease |
dextrophobia | (objects on the right side of the body |
dikephobia | dislike of justice |
dinophobia | whirlpools |
diplopiaphobia | double vision |
dipsophobia | drinking |
domatophobia | being in a house |
doraphobia | contact with animal fur or skin |
dysmorphophobia | dread of deformity, usually in others |
ecclesiophobia | dislike of church |
ecophobia, oecophobia, oikophobia | aversion to home surroundings |
eleutrerophobia | freedom |
emetophobia | vomiting |
enetophobia | needles or pins |
entomophobia | insects |
eosophobia | dawn |
ergasiophobia | dislike of work |
ergophobia | hatred of work |
erotophobia | (sexual feelings and their physical expression) |
eurotophobia | the color red; fear of blushing |
febriphobia | fever |
galeophobia | sharks |
gamophobia, gametophobia | dislike of marriage |
gephyrophobia | crossing a bridge |
gerascophobia | growing old |
geumophobia | tastes or flavors |
glossophobia | (speaking in public or of trying to speak) |
graphophobia | dislike of writing |
gymnophobia,nudophobia | nudity |
gynephobia, gynophobia | hatred of women |
hadeophobia, stygiophobia | hell |
hagiophobia | dislike for saints and the holy |
haptophobia, haphophobia, thixophobia | error or sin |
harpaxophobia | touch |
hedonophobia | robbers |
heliophobia, solophobia | pleasure |
helminthophobia | (sunlight; abnormal sensitivity to the effects of sunlight) |
hemaphobia, hematophobia, haemaphobia, hemophobia | being infected with worms |
herpetophobia | sight of blood |
hierophobia | reptiles |
hippophobia | (dislike of sacred objects, fear of priests) |
hodophobia | horses |
homichlophobia | dislike of travel |
homilophobia | fog |
homophobia | sermons |
hydrophobia | homosexuality (same-sex affection) |
hydrophophobia (cf. kynophobia) | water |
hygrophobia | rabies |
hylephobia | (liquids in any form, especially wine and water) |
hypengyophobia | dislike for wood or woods |
hypnophobia | responsibility |
iatrophobia | sleep |
ichthyophobia | fear of going to the doctor |
iophobia | fish |
isopterophobia | poisons |
kakorrhaphiophobia | termites |
katagelophobia | failure or defeat |
keraunophobia, ceraunophobia (cf. astraphobia,brontophobia) | thunder and lightning |
kinetophobia | dislike of motion |
kleptophobia, cleptophobia | thieves or loss through thievery |
kopophobia | fatigue |
kopophobia | mental or physical examination |
laliophobia | talking |
lepraphobia | leprosy |
levophobia (cf. dextrophobia) | objects on the left side of the body |
limnophobia | string |
logophobia | dislike of words |
lunaphobia | moon |
lyssophobia | becoming insane |
mechanophobia | aversion to or fear of machinery |
merinthophobia | being bound |
metallophobia | metals |
meteorophobia | meteors or meteorites |
microphobia, microbiophobia | micro-organisms |
misanthropy | (a hatred of mankind; pessimistic distrust of human nature expressed in thought and behaviour) |
mmisophobia (cf. automysophobia, rhypophobia) | fear of dirt, especially of being contaminated by dirt) |
misogynism, misogyny | extreme dislike of females |
misosophy | hatred of wisdom |
molysomophobia | infection |
monopathophobia | sickness in a specific part of the body |
monophobia | one thing |
musicophobia | music |
musophobia | mice |
mythophobia | making false statements |
necrophobia | death; fear of corpses |
neophobia | new things |
nephophobia | clouds |
noctiphobia | night |
nosophobia | contracting a disease |
nychtophobia, achluophobia, scotophobia | darkness or the night |
ochlophobia | crowds |
ochophobia | vehicles |
odontophobia | teeth, especially those of animals |
odynophobia (cf. algophobia) | pain |
oenophobia, oinophobia | dislike of or hatred for wine |
olfactophobia (cf. geumophobia) | dislike of smells |
ombrophobia | rain |
ommetaphobia | eyes |
onomatophobia | a certain name (or a set of names) |
ophidiophobia (cf. herpetophobia) | snakes |
ornithophobia | birds |
panphobia, pantophobia | (a nonspecific fear; a state of general anxiety; fear of everything) |
papaphobia | dislike of the pope or the papacy |
paralipophobia | neglect of some duty |
paraphobia | sexual perversion |
parasitophobia | parasites |
parthenophobia | aversion to young girls |
pathophobia | disease |
peccatiphobia | sinning |
pediculophobia | lice |
pedophobia | dislike of children |
peladophobia | baldness |
peniaphobia | poverty |
phagophobia | eating |
pharmacophobia | drugs |
phasmophobia | ghosts |
phenogophobia | daylight |
philosophobia | dislike of philosophy or philosophers |
phobophobia | fear itself |
phonophobia | dislike of noise |
photalgiophobia | (photalgin, pain in the eyes caused by light) |
photophobia | light |
phonemophobia | thinking |
pneumatophobia | incorporeal beings, spirits |
pnigophobia, pnigerophobia | choking or smothering |
pogonophobia | dislike of beards |
poinephobia | punishment |
politicophobia | dislike of politicians |
polyphobia | many things |
ponophobia | (fatigue, especially through overworking) |
potamophobia | rivers |
potophobia | drinks (beverages) |
psychophobia | mind |
psychophobia (cf. cheimaphobia) | cold |
pteronophobia | feathers |
pyrexiophobia (cf. thermophobia) | fever |
pyrophobia | fire |
rectophobia | rectum |
rhabdophobia | being eaten; fear of magic |
rhypophobia | filth |
sciophobia | shadows |
scoleciphobia (cf. helminthophobia) | worms |
scopophobia | being looked at |
scotophobia | dark |
selaphobia | dislike of flashes of light |
siderophobia | stars |
specrophobia (cf. phanmophobia, pneumatophobia) | specters or phantoms |
spermophobia, spermatophobia | germs |
stasibphobia | (standing or walking; conviction that one cannot stand or walk) |
symmetrophobia | dislike of symmetry |
tabophobia | wasting sickness |
tachophobia | speed |
taphephobia | being buried alive |
tapinophobia | small things |
taurophobia | bulls |
telephonophobia | telephone |
teratophobia | (monster or of giving birth to a monster) |
thaasophobia | dislike of being idle |
thalassophobia | sea |
theatrophobia | theatres |
theophobia | god |
thanatophobia | death |
tocophobia, tokophobia | dislike of heat |
tomophobia | childbirth |
topophobia | surgical operations |
toxiphobia, toxicophobia | certain places |
traumatophobia | being poisoned |
tremophobia | (excessive or disabling fear of war or physical injury) |
triskaidekaphobia | trembling |
tyrannophobia | number 13 |
urophobia | hatred of tyrants |
vaccinophobia | urine |
venereophobia | vaccines and vaccination |
vermiphobia (cf. helminthophobia) | venereal disease |
xenophobia | worms (earthworms, not intestinal) |
xerophobia | (hatred of foreigners and strange things) |
zelophobia | dryness and dry places, like deserts |
zoophobia | animals |